The Siberian Husky Club of Greater Chicago


Obedience Additional Listings


Rush "N"" Around
Contact Annette Narel
27432 S. Rt. 45, Manhattan, IL
Indoor/Outdoor Fenced
Obedience & Agility Classes and Fun Matches, Ring Rental

Oak Lawn Park District
Oak View Center
4625 W. 110th St., Oak Lawn, IL
Obedience Classes from Basic through Competition

11 South 706 Lillian Ct., Naperville, IL 60564
Obedience & Social classes
Behavier Counseling
Private sessions available

Stone City Kennel Club
13636 Laraway Rd., New Lenox, IL
Obedience (Basic to Competition classes, Matches, Drop-in Training, Seminars)
Agility (Classes, Matches, Seminars)
Conformation (Classes & Seminars)

Paw Power Blues
Rt. 41, Cedar Lake, IN
Agility classes, Puppy through Competition

BC Dog Training
854 Tower Rd., Mundelein, IL
Agility, Obedience, Conformation (Classes, Matches, Seminars)


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